So, for both of you reading this, you're probably wondering where I've been. The sad fact is there are two reasons for my radio silence: nothing to report and pure laziness. Mostly, though, there was not much to say for a while. I went through what can only be described as an existential crisis over the cabinets. I kept making the problem worse. Every time I thought I had the answer, I decided to just get one more estimate, look at one more place, check out one more showroom. I guess you could call it a fear of commitment, or perhaps a "grass is always greener" syndrome (something like the 7 year itch). But you'll be pleased to know, I'm now blissfully attached to what I am sure will be amazing cabinets.
So . . . now the fun starts. And when I say fun, I mean in a way that the Marquis de Sade would appreciate. Have you ever lived through a kitchen demolition? Even better, demolition of plaster walls? Well, neither have I. Because I had the inspired and brilliant (AKA stupid) idea to do the demo over Thanksgiving week while we were visiting my parents. It seemed like a great idea - keep the kids and dog out of the dust, have all the crappy stuff done, and return home to a lovely shell ready to go! But all that did was feed my neurosis over what the hell was happening in my kitchen while I wasn't there. It didn't help that my husband called me every five minutes to clarify questions about wall removal. Um, didn't SOMEONE have the plan in front of them?
I now have pictures and fascinating things to report about the kitchen - which I'll do tomorrow. In the meantime, I wanted to share this gem that was uncovered under some wall tile. If I can figure out how to save this, I will!
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